GENERAL APPEARANCE: The ideal Brahma Bully denotes a stout bulldog of medium stature.  His classic type and noble presence exemplify the bull breed.

HEAD: The head should be large in proportion to the body, with a pronounced stop and a noticeable groove between the eyes to the top of the skull.  Cheeks should be well defined and muscular, giving a curve to the sides of the head while viewing the dog from the front.   The skin on the head should be taut with no rope over the nose or large fold of skin.  The head should be clean of excess wrinkle. The bottom jaw should be wide, with teeth tightly undershot.  The teeth should not be visible when the mouth is closed.  The flews (lips) should not hang below bottom jaw.  The expression of the Brahma Bully is alert and focused.  

EARS:  The ears must be cropped.  Uncropped ears are a disqualification.

MUZZLE:  The muzzle is broad, deep and short.  Muzzles should be blunt and square without excessive layback to the top of the skull.  Nostrils should be large and open.  Pinched nostrils are a fault.  The nose should be solid of color, liver or black.

BITE:  The bite must be undershot, but, not to an extreme degree.  Although a tightly undershot bite is desired, a straight bit is acceptable.  Overbites are a disqualification.  Teeth should not show when the mouth is closed.

EYES:  The eye should be set wide apart and almond shaped.  The should be deep set and not protrude.  Any eye color is acceptable with brown being preferred.

BODY:  The body should be present as muscular and very powerful.  The chest should be deep, wide and well developed.  Ribs should be well sprung with the belly tucked up.  The Brahma Bully should be square in proportion, with height at shoulder equal to the length of the back.  A long back is a serious fault.  One of the most defining characteristics of the Brahma is the short and well arched neck.  The topline slopes slightly downward from the withers to tail.  A high rear is a fault.

FRONT AND HIND QUARTERS:  The Brahma should possess thick and muscular limbs on a frame of heavy bone.  Pasterns should be straight with feet knuckled and tight.  Well-muscled rear legs should be angulated at the stifle. 

GAIT:  The Brahma Bully has a balanced gait with rear legs propelling the front end forward.

HEIGHT:  Males should be 17″ at the withers or under.  No exceptions.  Dogs taller than 17″ will be disqualified.

WEIGHT:  Weight must be in proportion to height.  Firm muscle mass is desired.

COLOR:  Any and all colors and patterns are permissible

TAIL:  Tails must be docked or long and straight.  A tail presenting with a kink anywhere in the length is a disqualification.

TEMPERAMENT:  The Brahma Bully should be naturally confident and courageous, possessing an affectionate nature with family.  Brahmas should never be shy or aggressive. 

Click HERE for a printable version of the breed standard.