When there is a transfer of ownership of a Brahma Bully, the New Owner must complete, sign and submit a transfer of ownership to confirm and protect the interest in the dog. The transfer of ownership documentation can be found on the backside of the dogs permanent Brahma Bully Association Registration Certificate. The document must be completed entirely then mailed to the BBA registration office with the appropriate fee, as listed below. Once the BBA receives the transfer of ownership it will be processed and the new permnent registration certificate will be sent out to the owner.


Transfer of Ownership…….$25

Duplicate Registration…….$15

Transfer of Ownership with 3 Generation Pedigree…….$40

Transfer of Ownership with 4 Generation Pedigree…….$50

If you have any questions regarding the three or four generation pedigree or if you are unsure if the dogs lineage can be traced back three or four generations, please contact the BBA Office.

We accept checks, money orders and payments made through cashapp ($brahamabully). Please make checks payable to Brahma Bully Association. 

Any questions or concerns please contact us at your convenience. The BBA number and email address is listed on the contact page, along with our social media.